#include #include #include "applicationInternal/gui/guiBase.h" #include "applicationInternal/scenes/sceneRegistry.h" #include "applicationInternal/hardware/hardwarePresenter.h" #include "applicationInternal/commandHandler.h" void handleScene(uint16_t command, commandData commandData, std::string additionalPayload = "") { auto current = commandData.commandPayloads.begin(); std::string scene_name = *current; // check if we know the new scene if (!sceneExists(scene_name)) { Serial.printf("scene: cannot start scene %s, because it is unknown\r\n", scene_name.c_str()); return; } else { Serial.printf("scene: will switch from old scene %s to new scene %s\r\n", get_currentScene().c_str(), scene_name.c_str()); } if (SceneLabel != NULL) {lv_label_set_text(SceneLabel, "changing...");} gui_loop(); // end old scene if (!sceneExists(get_currentScene()) && (get_currentScene() != "")) { Serial.printf("scene: WARNING: cannot end scene %s, because it is unknown\r\n", get_currentScene().c_str()); } else { if (get_currentScene() != "") { Serial.printf("scene: will call end sequence for scene %s\r\n", get_currentScene().c_str()); scene_end_sequence_from_registry(get_currentScene()); } } // start new scene Serial.printf("scene: will call start sequence for scene %s\r\n", scene_name.c_str()); scene_start_sequence_from_registry(scene_name); set_currentScene(scene_name); if (SceneLabel != NULL) {lv_label_set_text(SceneLabel, get_currentScene().c_str());} Serial.printf("scene: scene handling finished, new scene %s is active\r\n", get_currentScene().c_str()); } void setLabelCurrentScene() { if ((SceneLabel != NULL) && sceneExists(get_currentScene())) { lv_label_set_text(SceneLabel, get_currentScene().c_str()); } }