; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [env:esp32] platform = espressif32 board = esp32dev framework = arduino monitor_speed = 115200 board_build.f_flash = 80000000L board_build.f_cpu = 240000000L board_build.partitions = huge_app.csv upload_speed = 1000000 lib_deps = bodmer/TFT_eSPI@^2.5.23 adafruit/Adafruit FT6206 Library@^1.0.6 lvgl/lvgl@^8.3.4 sparkfun/SparkFun LIS3DH Arduino Library@^1.0.3 crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266@^2.8.4 knolleary/PubSubClient@^2.8 h2zero/NimBLE-Arduino@^1.4.1 ;chris--a/Keypad@^3.1.1 ;t-vk/ESP32 BLE Keyboard@^0.3.2 build_flags = ;-- OMOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------- -D ENABLE_WIFI_AND_MQTT=1 -D ENABLE_BLUETOOTH=1 ;-- Arduino log ----------------------------------------------------------- ;-D CORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_NONE ;-D CORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR ;-D CORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN -D CORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO ;-D CORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG ;-D CORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE ;-- lvgl ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; lvgl variant 1: ; Don't use lv_conf.h. Tweak params via platfom.ini. See lv_conf_internal.h line 31. Don't change this line. -D LV_CONF_SKIP=1 ; use millis() from "Arduino.h" to tell the elapsed time in milliseconds -D LV_TICK_CUSTOM=1 ; dynamic memory. Takes as much as it gets from heap (DRAM). Needs approx. 25%-30% more memory than static memory. ;-D LV_MEM_CUSTOM=1 ; static memory, will be allocated in static DRAM -D LV_MEM_CUSTOM=0 -D LV_MEM_SIZE="(32U * 1024U)" ; fonts and theme -D LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_10=1 -D LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_12=1 -D LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_16=1 -D LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_24=1 -D LV_THEME_DEFAULT_DARK=1 ; don't build examples -D LV_BUILD_EXAMPLES=0 ; Enable the log module -D LV_USE_LOG=1 -D LV_LOG_PRINTF=1 ;-D LV_LOG_LEVEL=LV_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE ;-D LV_LOG_LEVEL=LV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO ;-D LV_LOG_LEVEL=LV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN -D LV_LOG_LEVEL=LV_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR ;-D LV_LOG_LEVEL=LV_LOG_LEVEL_USER ;-D LV_LOG_LEVEL=LV_LOG_LEVEL_NONE ; trace really gives a lot of messages ... ;-D LV_LOG_LEVEL=LV_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE ; --- ; Enable asserts if an operation is failed or an invalid data is found. ; If LV_USE_LOG is enabled an error message will be printed on failure*/ ; /*Check if the styles are properly initialized. (Very fast, recommended)*/ -D LV_USE_ASSERT_STYLE=1 ; /*Check the integrity of `lv_mem` after critical operations. (Slow)*/ ;-D LV_USE_ASSERT_MEM_INTEGRITY=1 ; /*Check the object's type and existence (e.g. not deleted). (Slow)*/ ;-D LV_USE_ASSERT_OBJ=1 ; --------- ; lvgl variant 2: ; or define where lv_conf.h is, relative to the `lvgl` folder ;-D LV_CONF_PATH=../../../../src/gui_general_and_keys/lv_conf.h ;-- TFT_eSPI -------------------------------------------------------------- -D DISABLE_ALL_LIBRARY_WARNINGS=1 ; The following lines replace the TFT_eSPI User_setup.h-file -D USER_SETUP_LOADED=1 -D ILI9341_DRIVER=1 -D TFT_WIDTH=240 -D TFT_HEIGHT=320 ;-D TFT_MISO -D TFT_MOSI=23 -D TFT_SCLK=18 -D TFT_CS=5 -D TFT_DC=9 -D TFT_RST=-1 -D SPI_FREQUENCY=40000000 ; 40MHz default, some displays might support 80MHz ; TFT_eSPI fonts are disabled by default ;-D LOAD_GLCD=1 ;-D LOAD_FONT2=1 ;-D LOAD_FONT4=1 ;-D LOAD_FONT6=1 ;-D LOAD_FONT7=1 ;-D LOAD_FONT8=1 ;-D LOAD_GFXFF=1 ;-D SMOOTH_FONT=1 ;-- for BLE Keyboard. Don't change this line! ----------------------------- -D USE_NIMBLE=1