#include #include #include "applicationInternal/gui/guiBase.h" #include "applicationInternal/gui/guiMemoryOptimizer.h" #include "applicationInternal/scenes/sceneRegistry.h" #include "applicationInternal/hardware/hardwarePresenter.h" #include "applicationInternal/commandHandler.h" #include "scenes/scene__default.h" void setLabelActiveScene() { if ((SceneLabel != NULL) && sceneExists(gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName())) { lv_label_set_text(SceneLabel, gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName().c_str()); } } void navigateBackToSceneGUIlist(); void handleScene(uint16_t command, commandData commandData, std::string additionalPayload = "") { auto current = commandData.commandPayloads.begin(); std::string scene_name = *current; // --- do not switch scene, but show scene selection gui. From that on, we are in the main_gui_list. ---------------- if (scene_name == scene_name_selection) { Serial.println("scene: will show scene selection gui"); guis_doTabCreationAfterGUIlistChanged(MAIN_GUI_LIST); return; } // --- do not switch scene, but navigate to the prev or next gui in the currently active list of guis --------------- if ((scene_name == scene_gui_next) || (scene_name == scene_gui_prev)) { if (scene_name == scene_gui_prev) { if (gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveTabID() == 0) { Serial.println("scene: cannot navigate to prev gui, because there is none"); } else { Serial.println("scene: will navigate to prev gui"); setActiveTab(gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveTabID() -1, LV_ANIM_ON, true); } } else if (scene_name == scene_gui_next) { if (!gui_memoryOptimizer_isTabIDInMemory(gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveTabID() +1)) { Serial.println("scene: cannot navigate to next gui, because there is none"); } else { Serial.println("scene: will navigate to next gui"); setActiveTab(gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveTabID() +1, LV_ANIM_ON, true); } } return; } // --- do not switch scene. Switch to the other gui list ------------------------------------------------------------ if (scene_name == scene_back_to_previous_gui_list) { if (get_scene_has_gui_list(gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName())) { Serial.println("scene: will navigate back to last active gui from previous gui list"); guis_doTabCreationForNavigateToLastActiveGUIofPreviousGUIlist(); } else { Serial.println("scene: cannot navigate back to last active gui from previous gui list, because no scene specific gui list was defined"); } return; } // --- This is the normal case. We navigate to a new scene ---------------------------------------------------------- // FORCE can be either as second payload in commandData // e.g. register_command(&SCENE_TV_FORCE , makeCommandData(SCENE, {scene_name_TV, "FORCE"})); // or as additionalPayload, used by gui_sceneSelection.cpp // e.g. executeCommand(activate_scene_command, "FORCE"); // we can have a second payload std::string isForcePayload = ""; ++current; if (current != commandData.commandPayloads.end()) { isForcePayload = *current; } // check if we know the new scene if (!sceneExists(scene_name)) { Serial.printf("scene: cannot start scene %s, because it is unknown\r\n", scene_name.c_str()); return; } else { Serial.printf("scene: will switch from old scene %s to new scene %s\r\n", gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName().c_str(), scene_name.c_str()); } // do not activate the same scene again, only when forced to do so (e.g. by long press on the gui or when selected by hardware key) bool callEndAndStartSequences; if ((scene_name == gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName()) && ((isForcePayload != "FORCE") && (additionalPayload != "FORCE"))) { Serial.printf("scene: will not start scene again, because it is already active\r\n"); callEndAndStartSequences = false; } else if ((scene_name == gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName()) && ((isForcePayload == "FORCE") || (additionalPayload == "FORCE"))) { Serial.printf("scene: scene is already active, but FORCE was set, so start scene again\r\n"); callEndAndStartSequences = true; } else { // this is the default when switching to a different scene callEndAndStartSequences = true; } if (SceneLabel != NULL) {lv_label_set_text(SceneLabel, "changing...");} gui_loop(); if (callEndAndStartSequences) { // end old scene if (!sceneExists(gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName()) && (gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName() != "")) { Serial.printf("scene: WARNING: cannot end scene %s, because it is unknown\r\n", gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName().c_str()); } else { if (gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName() != "") { Serial.printf("scene: will call end sequence for scene %s\r\n", gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName().c_str()); scene_end_sequence_from_registry(gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName()); } } // start new scene Serial.printf("scene: will call start sequence for scene %s\r\n", scene_name.c_str()); scene_start_sequence_from_registry(scene_name); } gui_memoryOptimizer_setActiveSceneName(scene_name); if (SceneLabel != NULL) {lv_label_set_text(SceneLabel, gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName().c_str());} Serial.printf("scene: scene handling finished, new scene %s is active\r\n", gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveSceneName().c_str()); guis_doTabCreationAfterGUIlistChanged(SCENE_GUI_LIST); } void handleGUI(uint16_t command, commandData commandData, std::string additionalPayload = "") { auto current = commandData.commandPayloads.begin(); std::string GUIname = *current; // 1. check if the gui is known in the main_gui_list int gui_list_index = -1; // find index of gui_memoryOptimizer_getActiveGUIname() in gui_list_active for (int i=0; i < main_gui_list.size(); i++) { if (main_gui_list.at(i) == GUIname) { Serial.printf("handleGUI: found GUI with name \"%s\" in \"main_gui_list\" at position %d\r\n", GUIname.c_str(), i); gui_list_index = i; break; } } // 2. call guiBase.cpp if ((gui_list_index >= 0) && (gui_list_index < main_gui_list.size())) { guis_doTabCreationForSpecificGUI(MAIN_GUI_LIST, gui_list_index); } else { // gui was not found Serial.printf("handleGUI: GUI with name \"%s\" was not found. Cannot navigate to that GUI\r\n", GUIname.c_str()); return; } }