esp32-wifi-manager ------------------ WiFi Manager for ESP32. That's it. No captive portal, no fallback if AP is not available. Just WiFi Management. # What *does* it do? * Stores info for multiple APs * Connects to "best" AP available * Remembers which AP was connected to last * Tells you you're a pretty alrigh person # API ## `EventGroupHandle_t wifi_manager_start()` Creates EventGroup and starts main WiFi Manager task loop. ## `uint8_t wifi_manager_ap_count()` Return number of AP in storage. ## `uint8_t wifi_manager_add_ap(char *ssid, char *password)` Adds AP to storage. !This will change! Will become a struct config. # `EventGroupHandle_t wm_event_group Bits` ## `WIFI_CONNECTED` WiFi connected has been successful. ## `WIFI_CONNECTING` WiFi Manager is attempting to make a connection. ## `AP_AVAILABLE` AP info has been retreived from storage. This is in flux, the naming is potentially confusing.