# LinuxCNC to Pixelblaze Progress Bar Will work with any Pixelblaze script that declares and uses... ``` export var progress = 0; ``` Example of the adapted Block Reflection script. ``` export var progress = 0.6; export function beforeRender(delta) { t2 = time(0.1) * PI2 t1 = time(.1) t3 = time(.5) t4 = time(0.2) * PI2 } export function render(index) { if(index > (progress * pixelCount)) return hsv(0,0,0); h = sin(t2) m = (.3 + triangle(t1) * .2) h = h + (((index - pixelCount / 2) / pixelCount * ( triangle(t3) * 10 + 4 * sin(t4)) % m)) s = 1; v = ((abs(h) + abs(m) + t1) % 1); v = v * v hsv(h, s, v) } ``` This requires running both Python 2 and Python 3 (sooooorrry), because current LinuxCNC 2.8 only supports Python 2 and the pixelblaze-client only supports Python 3. These will be merged to a single script when LinuxCNC 2.9 because current. # Prerequisites ``` pip install paho-mqtt pixelblaze-client ```