instead of processing from an Assembly Link prospective, it now just pulls bodies from the first level Links in the Assembly. From those LCS points are found. Planes and sketches are created from there
144 lines
4.6 KiB
144 lines
4.6 KiB
del App.Flatpack
ad = Gui.ActiveDocument.Document
def selectionContainsAssembly():
sel = Gui.Selection.getSelection()
if not sel or not hasattr(sel[0], 'Type') or sel[0].Type != 'Assembly':
return False
return sel[0]
class FlatpackGroupViewProvider():
def __init__(self, group):
self.Proxy = group
class FlatpackWBTools():
def createDatumPlaneOnLink(self, part):
plane = part.newObject('PartDesign::Plane', 'DatumPlane')
return plane
def createGroup(self, asm):
#pack = ad.addObject('App::Part', 'Flatpack')
#pack.Type = 'Flatpack'
#asm.Visibility = False
self.links = self.findLinks(asm)
assembly_bodies = []
for link in self.links:
if link.LinkedObject not in assembly_bodies:
for body in assembly_bodies:
sketch_planes = {}
sketch_pockets = {}
sketch_pads = {}
for lcs in self.findLCS(body.OutList):
base = lcs.Placement.Base
z = base.z
if sketch_planes.get(z) is None:
# create new plane to hold sketch
plane = self.createDatumPlaneOnLink(body)
plane.Visibility = False
plane.Placement.Base.z = z
sketch_planes[z] = plane
plane = sketch_planes[z]
bb = body.Shape.BoundBox
if self.insideBB(bb, lcs.Placement.Base):
sketch_book = sketch_pockets
sketch_label = 'Inside'
sketch_book = sketch_pads
sketch_label = 'Outside'
if sketch_book.get(z) is None:
sketch = self.createSketch(body, plane)
sketch.Visibility = False
sketch.Label = sketch_label
sketch_book[z] = sketch
sketch = sketch_book[z]
tab_length = abs(bb.ZMin) + bb.ZMax
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y - (tab_length / 2), 0), App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y - (tab_length / 2), 0)), False)
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y - (tab_length / 2), 0), App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y + tab_length / 2, 0)), False)
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y + tab_length / 2, 0), App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y + tab_length / 2, 0)), False)
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y + tab_length / 2, 0), App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y - (tab_length / 2), 0)), False)
for z in sketch_pads:
sketch = sketch_pads[z]
pad = link.LinkedObject.newObject('PartDesign::Pad', 'Pad')
pad.Profile = sketch
pad.Length = tab_length
pad.Midplane = 1
pad.Refine = 1
for z in sketch_pockets:
sketch = sketch_pockets[z]
pad = link.LinkedObject.newObject('PartDesign::Pocket', 'Pocket')
pad.Profile = sketch
pad.Length = tab_length
pad.Midplane = 1
pad.Refine = 1
def createSketch(self, part, attached_to):
sketch = part.newObject('Sketcher::SketchObject', 'Sketch')
# determine face orientation....
sketch.Support = (attached_to, ['Face001'])
sketch.MapMode = 'FlatFace'
return sketch
def findAssembly(self):
sel = selectionContainsAssembly()
if not sel:
return False
return sel
def findLinks(self, asm, discard_origin = False):
return [] if not asm else [el for el in asm.OutList if el.TypeId == 'App::Link']
def findLCS(self, obj_list):
return [ l for l in obj_list if l.TypeId == 'PartDesign::CoordinateSystem' ]
def getLinkOwner(self, link):
return link.LinkedObject
def insideBB(self, bb, p):
return (p.x > bb.XMin and p.x < bb.XMax) and (p.y > bb.YMin and p.y < bb.YMax) and (p.z > bb.ZMin and p.z < bb.ZMax)
FP = App.Flatpack = FlatpackWBTools()
asm = Gui.ActiveDocument.Document.getObject('Model')
asm = FP.findAssembly()
if asm:
print('No Assembly selected.')