Very basic functionality so far, it will currently add a Tab to any present connection. It is unable to handle unconnected LCS pairs nor does it create slots.
115 lines
3.9 KiB
115 lines
3.9 KiB
del App.Flatpack
ad = Gui.ActiveDocument.Document
def selectionContainsAssembly():
sel = Gui.Selection.getSelection()
if not sel or not hasattr(sel[0], 'Type') or sel[0].Type != 'Assembly':
return False
return sel[0]
class FlatpackGroupViewProvider():
def __init__(self, group):
self.Proxy = group
class FlatpackWBTools():
def createDatumPlaneOnLink(self, part, link):
plane = part.newObject('PartDesign::Plane', 'DatumPlane')
return plane
def createGroup(self, asm):
pack = ad.addObject('App::Part', 'Flatpack')
pack.Type = 'Flatpack'
#asm.Visibility = False
self.links = self.findLinks(asm)
for link in self.links:
attached_to = ad.getObject(link.AttachedTo.split('#')[1])
# not much to do when attached to the root
if attached_to.Name == 'LCS_Origin':
print('Skipping LCS_Origin')
print(link.Name, link.Placement)
# find all the App::Links that are on the same Plane as this one
coplaner_links = []
for i in [ l for l in link.OutList if l.TypeId == 'PartDesign::CoordinateSystem' ]:
if l not in coplaner_links and abs(link.Placement.Base.z - l.Placement.Base.z) < 0.000001:
print(link.Label, l.Label, abs(link.Placement.Base.z- l.Placement.Base.z), link.Placement.Base.z==l.Placement.Base.z)
print('coplaner_links', coplaner_links)
for cp_link in coplaner_links:
base = cp_link.Placement.Base
# create DatumPlane for Sketch Support
# TODO track planes per Z offset
plane = self.createDatumPlaneOnLink(link.LinkedObject, link)
plane.Visibility = False
plane.Placement.Base.z = base.z
# create Sketch for drawing attachment features
sketch = self.createSketch(link.LinkedObject, plane)
sketch.Visibility = False
# TODO needs input parameters from 1) the Flatpack object 2) the depth of the LinkedObject
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y, 0), App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y, 0)), False)
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y, 0), App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y + 5, 0)), False)
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x+10, base.y + 5, 0), App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y + 5, 0)), False)
sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y + 5, 0), App.Vector(base.x-10, base.y, 0)), False)
# TODO determine if Feature should be Pad or Pocket, based on inside/outside of BoundingBox
pad = link.LinkedObject.newObject('PartDesign::Pad', 'Pad')
pad.Profile = sketch
# TODO get value from elsewhere
pad.Length = 10
pad.Midplane = 1
pad.Refine = 1
def createSketch(self, part, attached_to):
sketch = part.newObject('Sketcher::SketchObject', 'Sketch')
# determine face orientation....
sketch.Support = (attached_to, ['Face001'])
sketch.MapMode = 'FlatFace'
return sketch
def findAssembly(self):
sel = selectionContainsAssembly()
if not sel:
return False
return sel
def findLinks(self, asm, discard_origin = False):
return [] if not asm else [el for el in asm.OutList if el.TypeId == 'App::Link']
def getLinkOwner(self, link):
return link.LinkedObject
FP = App.Flatpack = FlatpackWBTools()
asm = Gui.ActiveDocument.Document.getObject('Model')
asm = FP.findAssembly()
if asm:
print('No Assembly selected.')