2024-03-10 14:27:46 -04:00
# include <Arduino.h>
# include "SparkFunLIS3DH.h"
# include "sleep_hal_esp32.h"
// before going to sleep, some tasks have to be done
// save settings
# include "preferencesStorage_hal_esp32.h"
// turn off power of IR receiver
# include "infrared_receiver_hal_esp32.h"
// turn off tft
# include "tft_hal_esp32.h"
// disconnect WiFi
# include "mqtt_hal_esp32.h"
// disconnect BLE keyboard
# include "keyboard_ble_hal_esp32.h"
// prepare keypad keys to wakeup
# include "keypad_keys_hal_esp32.h"
2024-03-16 16:24:10 -04:00
uint8_t ACC_INT_GPIO = 13 ;
2024-03-10 14:27:46 -04:00
int MOTION_THRESHOLD = 50 ; // motion above threshold keeps device awake
int DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 20000 ; // default time until device enters sleep mode in milliseconds. Can be overridden.
// is "lift to wake" enabled
bool wakeupByIMUEnabled = true ;
// timeout before going to sleep
uint32_t sleepTimeout ;
// Timestamp of the last activity. Go to sleep if (millis() - lastActivityTimestamp > sleepTimeout)
uint32_t lastActivityTimestamp ;
LIS3DH IMU ( I2C_MODE , 0x19 ) ;
Wakeup_reasons wakeup_reason ;
void setLastActivityTimestamp_HAL ( ) {
// There was motion, touchpad or key hit.
// Set the time where this happens.
lastActivityTimestamp = millis ( ) ;
void activityDetection ( ) {
// if there is any motion, setLastActivityTimestamp_HAL() is called
int motion = 0 ;
// A variable declared static inside a function is visible only inside that function, exists only once (not created/destroyed for each call) and is permanent. It is in a sense a private global variable.
static int accXold ;
static int accYold ;
static int accZold ;
int accX = IMU . readFloatAccelX ( ) * 1000 ;
int accY = IMU . readFloatAccelY ( ) * 1000 ;
int accZ = IMU . readFloatAccelZ ( ) * 1000 ;
// determine motion value as da/dt
motion = ( abs ( accXold - accX ) + abs ( accYold - accY ) + abs ( accZold - accZ ) ) ;
// If the motion exceeds the threshold, the lastActivityTimestamp is updated
if ( motion > MOTION_THRESHOLD ) {
setLastActivityTimestamp_HAL ( ) ;
// Store the current acceleration and time
accXold = accX ;
accYold = accY ;
accZold = accZ ;
void configIMUInterruptsBeforeGoingToSleep ( )
uint8_t dataToWrite = 0 ;
//dataToWrite |= 0x80;//AOI, 0 = OR 1 = AND
//dataToWrite |= 0x40;//6D, 0 = interrupt source, 1 = 6 direction source
//Set these to enable individual axes of generation source (or direction)
// -- high and low are used generically
dataToWrite | = 0x20 ; //Z high
//dataToWrite |= 0x10;//Z low
dataToWrite | = 0x08 ; //Y high
//dataToWrite |= 0x04;//Y low
dataToWrite | = 0x02 ; //X high
//dataToWrite |= 0x01;//X low
if ( wakeupByIMUEnabled ) {
IMU . writeRegister ( LIS3DH_INT1_CFG , 0b00101010 ) ;
} else {
IMU . writeRegister ( LIS3DH_INT1_CFG , 0b00000000 ) ;
dataToWrite = 0 ;
//Provide 7 bit value, 0x7F always equals max range by accelRange setting
dataToWrite | = 0x45 ;
IMU . writeRegister ( LIS3DH_INT1_THS , dataToWrite ) ;
dataToWrite = 0 ;
//minimum duration of the interrupt
//LSB equals 1/(sample rate)
dataToWrite | = 0x00 ; // 1 * 1/50 s = 20ms
IMU . writeRegister ( LIS3DH_INT1_DURATION , dataToWrite ) ;
//Int1 latch interrupt and 4D on int1 (preserve fifo en)
IMU . readRegister ( & dataToWrite , LIS3DH_CTRL_REG5 ) ;
dataToWrite & = 0xF3 ; //Clear bits of interest
dataToWrite | = 0x08 ; //Latch interrupt (Cleared by reading int1_src)
//dataToWrite |= 0x04; //Pipe 4D detection from 6D recognition to int1?
IMU . writeRegister ( LIS3DH_CTRL_REG5 , dataToWrite ) ;
//Choose source for pin 1
dataToWrite = 0 ;
//dataToWrite |= 0x80; //Click detect on pin 1
dataToWrite | = 0x40 ; //AOI1 event (Generator 1 interrupt on pin 1)
dataToWrite | = 0x20 ; //AOI2 event ()
//dataToWrite |= 0x10; //Data ready
//dataToWrite |= 0x04; //FIFO watermark
//dataToWrite |= 0x02; //FIFO overrun
IMU . writeRegister ( LIS3DH_CTRL_REG3 , dataToWrite ) ;
// Enter Sleep Mode
void enterSleep ( ) {
// Save settings to internal flash memory
save_preferences_HAL ( ) ;
// Configure IMU
uint8_t intDataRead ;
// clear interrupt
IMU . readRegister ( & intDataRead , LIS3DH_INT1_SRC ) ;
configIMUInterruptsBeforeGoingToSleep ( ) ;
// really clear interrupt
IMU . readRegister ( & intDataRead , LIS3DH_INT1_SRC ) ;
// Power down modem
wifiStop_HAL ( ) ;
# endif
keyboardBLE_end_HAL ( ) ;
# endif
// Prepare IO states
digitalWrite ( TFT_DC , LOW ) ; // LCD control signals off
digitalWrite ( TFT_CS , LOW ) ;
digitalWrite ( TFT_MOSI , LOW ) ;
digitalWrite ( TFT_SCLK , LOW ) ;
digitalWrite ( LCD_EN_GPIO , HIGH ) ; // LCD logic off
digitalWrite ( LCD_BL_GPIO , HIGH ) ; // LCD backlight off
// pinMode(CRG_STAT, INPUT); // Disable Pull-Up
2024-03-16 16:24:10 -04:00
pinMode ( IR_RX_GPIO , INPUT ) ; // force IR receiver pin to INPUT to prevent high current during sleep (additional 60 uA)
2024-03-10 14:27:46 -04:00
digitalWrite ( IR_VCC_GPIO , LOW ) ; // IR Receiver off
// Configure button matrix for ext1 interrupt
pinMode ( SW_1_GPIO , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SW_2_GPIO , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SW_3_GPIO , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SW_4_GPIO , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SW_5_GPIO , OUTPUT ) ;
digitalWrite ( SW_1_GPIO , HIGH ) ;
digitalWrite ( SW_2_GPIO , HIGH ) ;
digitalWrite ( SW_3_GPIO , HIGH ) ;
digitalWrite ( SW_4_GPIO , HIGH ) ;
digitalWrite ( SW_5_GPIO , HIGH ) ;
gpio_hold_en ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_1_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_en ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_2_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_en ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_3_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_en ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_4_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_en ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_5_GPIO ) ;
// Force display pins to high impedance
// Without this the display might not wake up from sleep
pinMode ( LCD_BL_GPIO , INPUT ) ;
pinMode ( LCD_EN_GPIO , INPUT ) ;
gpio_hold_en ( ( gpio_num_t ) LCD_BL_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_en ( ( gpio_num_t ) LCD_EN_GPIO ) ;
gpio_deep_sleep_hold_en ( ) ;
esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup ( BUTTON_PIN_BITMASK , ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
// Sleep
esp_deep_sleep_start ( ) ;
void init_sleep_HAL ( ) {
// will be called after boot or wakeup. Releases GPIO hold and sets wakeup_reason
if ( sleepTimeout = = 0 ) {
// Find out wakeup cause
if ( esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause ( ) = = ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT1 ) {
if ( log ( esp_sleep_get_ext1_wakeup_status ( ) ) / log ( 2 ) = = 13 ) {
wakeup_reason = WAKEUP_BY_IMU ;
} else {
wakeup_reason = WAKEUP_BY_KEYPAD ;
} else {
wakeup_reason = WAKEUP_BY_RESET ;
pinMode ( ACC_INT_GPIO , INPUT ) ;
// Release GPIO hold in case we are coming out of standby
gpio_hold_dis ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_1_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_dis ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_2_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_dis ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_3_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_dis ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_4_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_dis ( ( gpio_num_t ) SW_5_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_dis ( ( gpio_num_t ) LCD_EN_GPIO ) ;
gpio_hold_dis ( ( gpio_num_t ) LCD_BL_GPIO ) ;
gpio_deep_sleep_hold_dis ( ) ;
void init_IMU_HAL ( void ) {
// setup IMU to recognize motion
IMU . settings . accelSampleRate = 50 ; //Hz. Can be: 0,1,10,25,50,100,200,400,1600,5000 Hz
IMU . settings . accelRange = 2 ; //Max G force readable. Can be: 2, 4, 8, 16
IMU . settings . adcEnabled = 0 ;
IMU . settings . tempEnabled = 0 ;
IMU . settings . xAccelEnabled = 1 ;
IMU . settings . yAccelEnabled = 1 ;
IMU . settings . zAccelEnabled = 1 ;
IMU . begin ( ) ;
uint8_t intDataRead ;
IMU . readRegister ( & intDataRead , LIS3DH_INT1_SRC ) ; //clear interrupt
void check_activity_HAL ( ) {
activityDetection ( ) ;
if ( millis ( ) - lastActivityTimestamp > sleepTimeout ) {
Serial . println ( " Entering Sleep Mode. Goodbye. " ) ;
enterSleep ( ) ;
uint32_t get_sleepTimeout_HAL ( ) {
return sleepTimeout ;
void set_sleepTimeout_HAL ( uint32_t aSleepTimeout ) {
sleepTimeout = aSleepTimeout ;
2024-06-09 02:38:34 -04:00
// For reason unknown, some users reported sleepTimeout was set to 0. In this case device would immediately go to sleep. Prevent this.
if ( sleepTimeout = = 0 ) {
2024-03-10 14:27:46 -04:00
bool get_wakeupByIMUEnabled_HAL ( ) {
return wakeupByIMUEnabled ;
void set_wakeupByIMUEnabled_HAL ( bool aWakeupByIMUEnabled ) {
wakeupByIMUEnabled = aWakeupByIMUEnabled ;
uint32_t get_lastActivityTimestamp ( ) {
return lastActivityTimestamp ;