
239 lines
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// 2023 Matthew Colvin
#pragma once
#include "HardwareAbstract.hpp"
#include "Images.hpp"
#include "lvgl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include "poller.hpp"
/// @brief Singleton to allow UI code to live separately from the Initialization
/// of resources.
class OmoteUI {
OmoteUI(std::shared_ptr<HardwareAbstract> aHardware);
static std::weak_ptr<OmoteUI> getRefrence() { return getInstance(); };
static std::shared_ptr<OmoteUI>
getInstance(std::shared_ptr<HardwareAbstract> aHardware = nullptr) {
if (mInstance) {
return mInstance;
} else if (aHardware) {
mInstance = std::make_shared<OmoteUI>(aHardware);
return mInstance;
// Set the page indicator scroll position relative to the tabview scroll
// position
void store_scroll_value_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
// Update current device when the tabview page is changes
void tabview_device_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
// Slider Event handler
void bl_slider_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
// Apple Key Event handler
void appleKey_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
// Wakeup by IMU Switch Event handler
void WakeEnableSetting_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
// Smart Home Toggle Event handler
void smartHomeToggle_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
// Smart Home Toggle Event handler
void smartHomeSlider_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
// Virtual Keypad Event handler
void virtualKeypad_event_cb(lv_event_t *e);
void wifi_settings_cb(lv_event_t* event);
void connect_btn_cb(lv_event_t* event);
void password_field_event_cb(lv_event_t* e);
// Use LVGL to layout the ui and register the callbacks
void layout_UI();
void ta_kb_event_cb(lv_event_t* e);
void wifi_scan_done(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<WifiInfo>> info);
void loopHandler();
* @brief Function to hide the keyboard. If the keyboard is attached to a text area, it will be hidden when the
* text area is defocused. This function can be used if the keyboard need to be hidden due to some script event.
void hide_keyboard();
* @brief Function to show the keyboard. If a text area needs the keybaord, it should be attached to the text area
* using the approbiate function. The keyboard will then show up when the text area is focused. This function is
* needed if the keyboard should be shown due to some script or other trigger.
void show_keyboard();
static std::shared_ptr<OmoteUI> mInstance;
std::shared_ptr<HardwareAbstract> mHardware;
std::unique_ptr<poller> batteryPoller;
void reset_settings_menu();
void attach_keyboard(lv_obj_t* textarea);
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<WifiInfo>> found_wifi_networks;
* @brief Keyboard object used whenever a keyboard is needed.
lv_obj_t* kb;
* @brief Function to create the keyboard object which can then be attached to different text areas.
void create_keyboard();
* @brief Set the up settings object
* @param parent
void setup_settings(lv_obj_t* parent);
* @brief LVGL Menu for settings pages as needed.
lv_obj_t* settingsMenu;
* @brief Main page of the settings menu
lv_obj_t* settingsMainPage;
* @brief Battery percentage label
lv_obj_t* objBattPercentage;
* @brief Battery icon object in the status bar
lv_obj_t* objBattIcon;
void create_status_bar();
lv_obj_t *panel = nullptr;
Images imgs = Images();
uint_fast8_t currentDevice = 4;
lv_color_t color_primary = lv_color_hex(0x303030); // gray
bool wakeupByIMUEnabled = true;
inline static const uint_fast8_t virtualKeyMapTechnisat[10] = {
0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0x0};
/************************************** WIFI Settings Menu *******************************************************/
* @brief Container within the wifi selection page
lv_obj_t* wifi_setting_cont;
* @brief Wifi settings entry point on the settings tab
lv_obj_t* wifiOverview;
* @brief Label in the wifi password page. This label is updated with the selected SSID when the credentials for
* a wifi network is entered.
lv_obj_t* wifi_password_label;
* @brief Menu Subpage for the wifi password
lv_obj_t* wifi_password_page;
* @brief Menu Subpage for wifi selection
lv_obj_t* wifi_selection_page;
* @brief Wifi Label shown in the top status bar
lv_obj_t* WifiLabel;
* @brief Number of wifi subpage needed to display the found wifi networks
unsigned int no_subpages;
* @brief number of wifi networks found
unsigned int no_wifi_networks;
void wifi_status(std::shared_ptr<wifiStatus> status);
* @brief callback function to get next wifi subpage. This callback can be used to get the next or previous page
* @param e lvgl event object
void next_wifi_selection_subpage(lv_event_t* e);
* @brief Create a wifi selection sub page object
* @param menu LVGL Menu where the sub page should be added to
* @return lv_obj_t* Menu sub page object pointer
lv_obj_t* create_wifi_selection_page(lv_obj_t* menu);
* @brief Method to create the wifi password sub page
* @param menu Menu where the sub page should be created
* @return lv_obj_t* menu sub page object pointer
lv_obj_t* create_wifi_password_page(lv_obj_t* menu);
* @brief Method to create the wifi settings on the main page
* @param parent lv object parent where the main settings page should be added to
void create_wifi_main_page(lv_obj_t* parent);
* @brief Method to create wifi settings. This method will call the create_wifi_selection_page,
* the create_wifi_password_page, and the create_wifi_main_page
* @param menu Settings menu where the sub pages should be added to
* @param parent lv object parent where the main settings page should be added to
void create_wifi_settings(lv_obj_t* menu, lv_obj_t* parent);
* @brief Function to update the wifi selection sub page
* @param page index of the page to display
void update_wifi_selection_subpage(int page);
* @brief Function to create the display settings page.
* @param parent LVGL object acting as a parent for the display settings page
void display_settings(lv_obj_t* parent);