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ESP32 LoRa (SX127*)

Provides SPI driver for SX1276/SX1278 LoRa radio


Designed to be used as esp-idf component. Suggested using as git submodule

git submodule add components/esp32-lora/
git submodule init
git submodule update


Uses built in KConfig. Run make menuconfig and find config under Component config -> LORA32. Defaults targeted to TTGO LoRa OLED boards.


This is the most basic usage. Setting up the LoRa instance, setting it's receive handler, running init then sending a message.

  lora32_cfg_t lora;
  lora = lora32_create();
  lora.receive = &handle_lora_receive;


  lora32_send(&lora, "Hello, LoRa", 10);


lora32_cfg_t static lora32_create()

Creates a new LoRa instance

uint8_t lora32_init(lora32_cfg_t *config)

Initialized LoRa instance. This configures GPIOs, SPI, LoRa radio and receive handlers

Returns 1 on success.

uint8_t lora32_data_available(lora32_cfg_t *lora)

Indicates if data is presently available.

uint8_t lora32_parse_packet(lora32_cfg_t *lora, uint8_t size)

void lora32_send(lora32_cfg_t *config, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)

Transmits data over the LoRa radio.

void lora32_set_spreadfactor(lora32_cfg_t *lora, uint8_t factor)

Sets LoRa Spread Factor.

Accepts 6-12.

void lora32_dump_regs(lora32_cfg_t *lora)

Dumps all registers from SX1276